Produced for Storyline Entertainment Production Inc. by 1672392 Ontario Ltd. in
association with History Television, Historia and with the participation of the Canadian
Television Fund, created by the Government of Canada and the Canadian Cable
Industry, Telefilm Canada: Equity Investment Program, CTF: Licence Fee Program,
Rogers Documentary Fund and The Canadian Film or Video Production Tax Credit
© 2007 1672392 Ontario Ltd.
For Canadian broadcast sales contact:
Storyline Entertainment Inc.
115 Palmerston Ave.
Toronto, ON M6J 2J2
Tel: 416-603-8333
Fax: 416-603-6318
Email: ed@storylineentertainment.com
All other broadcast sales:
Solid Entertainment
15840 Ventura Boulevard, Suite 205
Encino, CA 91436 USA
Tel: 818 990 4300
Fax: 818 990 4320
Email: info@solidpgms.com
For world home DVD sales and all institutional sales outside Canada:
DVD is in NTSC format. Please check to ensure you can play this format before placing your order, as we will not be able to refund your order once we have shipped out your DVD. Pricing is in Canadian Dollars and includes shipping and handling.
For Canadian Institutional sales:
McNabb & Connolly
Tel: 866 722 1522
Fax: 866 722 1822
Email: info@mcnabbconnolly.ca