Produced by Storyline Entertainment Inc. in co-production with The National Film Board of Canada in Association with Canadian Broadcasting Corporation The Nature of Things, National Geographic Channel International, with the Support of the Government of Canada Through the Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA) and with the Participation of Canadian Television Fund - created by the Government of Canada and the Canadian Cable Industry CTF: Licence Fee Program, Knowledge Network, National Geographic Channel (Canada) and Rogers Documentary Fund. © 2005 1571251 Ontario Inc./National Film Board of Canada | For Immediate Release: Saturday November 19, 2005 Shipbreakers wins a Gemini Award for best cinematography in a documentary program. After traveling world festivals and a shelf-full of awards, Shipbreakers been honoured with a Gemini Award for best camera work in a documentary. Director of Photography Derek Rogers beat out strong competition to win the coveted award. Shipbreakers was produced by Storyline Entertainment and the National Film Board of Canada for CBC's Nature of Things. Filmed on location in Alang , India , the world's largest maritime graveyard, the film is a story of geopolitics, Third World labour and human tenacity. Working on location was extremely difficult; Rogers says: The site was incredible! You had to take a second just to understand the epic scope of the place. There were hundreds of beached ships in what I would call a ship graveyard, not a shipyard. They don't have any docks there, so the ships are beached on shore where they are dismantled piece by piece, in scorching heat, mostly by hand. The conditions are unbelievable; not only do you have extreme temperatures, but it's gritty, dirty, and these guys are hanging off ropes with blowtorches and sometimes don't even have shoes on. Shipbreakers was directed by Michael Kot and produced by Ed Barreveld, Michael Kot and Peter Starr (NFB). Shipbreakers Festivals: Milano Film Festival CinemAmbiente / Environmental Film Festival - Torino , Italy International Film Festival of Human Rights - Barcelona , Spain Seoul Green Film Festival Melbourne International Film Festival Human Rights Film Festival - New Zealand Banff World Television Festival Yorkton Short Film and Video Festival Planet in Focus - International Environmental Film & Video Festival 2005 Thessaloniki Documentary Festival Images of the 21st Century Ecofilms Rhodes International Film & Visual Arts Festival Global Visions Film Festival - Edmonton Rencontres internationales du documentaire de Montréal Mar del Plata International Film Festival - Buenos Aires Canadian Images Vancouver International Film Festival Beyond Borders Calgary International Film Festival SHIPBREAKERS AWARDS & NOMINATIONS: Gemini Award - Best Photography in a Documentary Program. Golden Deer - Ecofilms Rhodes International Film & Visual Arts Festival Winner of Deborah Fletcher award - Canadian International Development Agency Golden Sheaf Award - Best Nature/Environment Program - Yorkton Short Film and Video Festival Golden Sheaf Award - Best Direction, Non-Fiction Gemini nomination for best picture editing in a documentary program Nomination for Rockie Award for Best Canadian Program - Banff World Television Festival Nomination for Golden Sheaf Award - Best Sound, Non-Fiction Canadian Society of Cinematographers Nomination for best shooting in documentary Nominated for Best Canadian Documentary Calgary International Film Festival Produced by Storyline Entertainment Inc. in co-production with The National Film Board of Canada in Association with Canadian Broadcasting Corporation The Nature of Things, National Geographic Channel International, with the Support of the Government of Canada Through the Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA) and with the Participation of Canadian Television Fund - created by the Government of Canada and the Canadian Cable Industry CTF: Licence Fee Program, Knowledge Network, National Geographic Channel (Canada) and Rogers Documentary Fund. For more information about Shipbreakers visit: www.StorylineEntertainment.com |
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