Oren is a violin teacher who makes documentaries. Bruce is an outlaw who has seen the inside of more jails, and owns more fake credit cards, and aliases than a Hollywood con man.
Oren lives a quiet life by the sea in Byron Bay, Australia. Bruce is on the road avoiding the law when he's not in his hideaway in hillbilly country of the southern USA.
Their connection ... Bruce is Oren's father. Bruce & Me is Orenšs
personal exploration into her unusual relationship with her con-artist, white-collar
With the support of her family, Oren revisited her outlaw adventures and traveled
the world, filming her now far-flung family. Her probing questions about Bruce
and her gene pool peeled away layer after layer of insight into this unique family.
then-and-now chronicle of life on the road with her outlaw dad, Bruce & Me addresses
a lifetime of mixed emotions about a grifter childhood. The funny and moving
film has amounted to a personal epiphany, a realization by Oren that reliving
her bizarre story could offer up answers - and new questions - to her quest.
Bruce & Me is a point-of-view doc and viewers are guaranteed to go on an unforgettable journey where the big questions take a back seat to the weird and wonderful world of life on the road with Bruce.