Produced by Storyline Entertainment in co-production with the National Film Board of Canada in Association with History Television and with the participation of Cinema Esperanca International, Canadian Television Fund - Created by the Government of Canada and the Canadian Cable Industry - CTF: Licence Fee Program, Rogers Documentary Fund, Aboriginal Peoples Television Network, Vision TV, Knowledge Network, Saskatchewan Communications Network and the Canadian Film or Video Tax Credit. |
For Immediate Release: Tuesday, November 13, 2001
Other screenings: The 20th century was the most violent era in human history, but World War l, World War ll, the Vietnam War and the Balkan War are not over ... Aftermath: The Remnants of War is a feature-length documentary produced by Toronto, Canada, based Storyline Entertainment - producers Ed Barreveld and Michael Kot with director Daniel Sekulich - that profiles individuals around the world who are working to clean-up after the most dangerous period in human history; the 20th century. Aftermath is an evocative portrait of the consequences of war; long after the fighting has stopped. The film takes you to France, Russia, Vietnam and Bosnia to encounter rusting bombs from the First World War; forgotten bones from the Second World War; the lingering effects of Agent Orange; and the continued war against landmines. Aftermath reveals the physical, environmental and psychological remnants of war that are left once the fighting stops and the soldiers go home. It is a reminder that we will continue to pay for last century's legacy of war for decades and centuries to come. "It is difficult to believe that four years have passed since we read the Lionel Gelber Prize winning novel the movie is based on and finished the film" reminisces producer Ed Barreveld. "It is not an easy film to watch but it carries an important message: These are dangerous times, for we have created wars that never end." Produced for Storyline Entertainment by Aftermath Pictures in co-production with The National Film Board of Canada in association with History Television and with the participation of Cinema Esperanca International, the Canadian Television Fund - created by the Government of Canada and the Canadian Cable Industry - CTF: Licence Fee Program, Rogers Documentary Fund, Aboriginal Peoples Television Network, Vision TV, Knowledge Network, Saskatchewan Communications Network and the Canadian Film or Video Tax Credit.
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