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"Aftermath: The Remnants of War is a piercing critique of war's by-products and, by extension, war itself"

Robert Koehler – Variety

"The message is powerful and, one would hope, unforgettable: long after the peace platitudes have been sung, the survivors continue to battle war's grim legacy"

Min Sook Lee - Planet in Focus

" Perhaps the ultimate anti-war film. "

The Maine International Film Festival 2002

"What is so striking about AFTERMATH is the unforgettable information and images culminating in the irrefutable conclusion that all wars really last forever. I don't think anyone will go lightly to war having seen this film. It is one of the most compassionate and pragmatic arguments for peace I have ever seen ... a film everyone needs to see and think about.

A painful look at how war changes the landscape and the people forever and a striking demonstration of the true costs of war.

I have been an activist since the 60's, but until watching AFTERMATH, I was able to compartmentalize the ongoing devestation caused by wars. No one who watches AFTERMATH will ever see war in the same light again. It really changes everything for the viewer.

If ever there was a time to see AFTERMATH, it is now. "

Barbara Trent - Academy Award winning director of The Panama Deception

"In Aftermath, we see that the shockwave set in motion by WW1 is still rolling on, as is the one set in motion by WW11. We say to ourselves "what were they thinking?" Then the film brings us closer in time and we are forced to realize that, whatever it was they-we-are thinking it still.

The mass psychosis that sweeps through human society is like a virus that grows in strength as the years pass. If we are ever to contain it, if we are ever to learn from the past, we need works like this powerful and moving film. "

Bruce Cockburn - Recording Artist and Activist

" This emotionally - charged film opens our eyes to the devastating impact war has on future generations. "

Sydney Suissa - Senior VP of Factual Programming, Alliance Atlantis Broadcasting

" It's edge of your seat tension ... Aftermath's unforgettable pictures are supported by an evocative, uncluttered script. "

Catherine Dawson March - Globe & Mail Television

"A simple but devastating message ... Aftermath strikes a chilling chord. "

Brian D. Johnson - Maclean's

" A sober look at the after effects of war around the world. "

The Toronto Sun

" A horrifying account of the endless work being done to rid the world of unexploded bombs and landmines. "

John Doyle - The Globe and Mail

" A fine documentary that should be watched and studied. "

Jim Bawden - The Toronto Star

" Aftermath shows us in graphic scenes that some wars never end. "


" Aftermath (is) a stunning war doc ... Aftermath doesn't embark on heavy-handed explanation, but illustrates a complex idea through the narratives of key characters and the wars that have shaped their lives. "

Nadya Martin Ð The Varsity

" A timely documentary which explores post-war devastation ... the two hour special is a thought-provoking investigation. "

Dave Whitfield - Straight

" An excellent film that does not get mired in the analysis of cause, politics, or statistics. "

James Houston - The Annex Gleaner

" Aftermath succeeds in its attempts to humanize this mad inheritance, to find out what it's like for the people who live every day with ghosts, sorrow and death. "

Brian Gorman - TV Data

" Aftermath is right on target ... it is a startlingly clear picture of a horrific situation. "

Kathe Lemon - Canadian University Press

" Aftermath is a detailed, moving and fascinating story. "

Bob Blakey - Calgary Herald

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